Foundation Plate

This plate is your foundation every time you eat.  You are not limited to this, but it is the foundation from which you build. 

This plate contains low-caloric foods that will leave you feeling satiated and give you long-lasting energy.

If you are feeling satiated, you will be less likely to overeat throughout the day, which will help with fat burning and/or making good healthy choices throughout the day. 

You will also get all the macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs) and micronutrients your body needs.  (this is explained in more detail in the video)               

When you are choosing foods for a meal, always start with a lean protein, vegetables, and healthy fat. 

There are lists provided for proteins, vegetables, and fats in this week's lesson. 

Although this plate shows 1/3 protein and 2/3 vegetables, you are not limited to this amount.  It is a place to start.  

1/3 protein is basically one serving. About the size of a deck of cards.  If you want more, have more. 

If you are still hungry and want more protein and/or vegetables, have more until you are satiated.  You cannot overeat protein/vegetables on your lists. (be sure to watch the video, as this is explained in more detail).

Also if you are having trouble getting 2/3 vegetables on your plate, eat enough vegetables until you feel satiated. 

The 1/3 and 2/3 are not magic numbers, it is just getting you to think lean protein and a ton of vegetables every time you eat.  You figure out the balance that works for you. 

Have enough fat from the list provided in week one's lesson to add flavor to your plate.  

Eat according to this plate every time you eat (except snacks-refer to snack list for optimal snacks) for one week.

©Winter Garden Yoga